Today for the letter S I am taking part in The Simple Woman’s Daybook. I haven’t done it for awhile. Today seems like a good day for it. Check out the link to see what other women are up to today. And if you’re a blogger, join in! 🙂

I am thinking…that it’s time to start getting organized for our trip to Fox Lake. By this I mean which craft/sewing projects should I take? And should I take one sewing machine or two? Which yoga videos should I take? A selection or just my favourite one or two? (and does it really matter because hello- the chances of actually doing a daily practice may be slim)
I am thankful…oh, yes I am! The list is too long to write it all down.
In the kitchen…no mess! Yesterday I baked 2 apple pies for the freezer, a pumpkin pie to enjoy over the next couple of days, Sam’s home cooked dog food, and enough spaghetti to last for 2 nights. So no cooking today, and no cooking supper tonight!
I am wearing…denim pedal pushers, a grey top, my favourite brown sweater that could really stand to be new (but maybe that’s why it’s my favourite – well used/loved), black ankle socks and my birks. I’m sort of a socially unacceptable mess in the wardrobe department today.
I am creating… I just finished sewing a dress! Now I just need someplace to wear it! I’ll do a blog post about it eventually…it doesn’t really fit into any of the remaining letters for the April A-Z blog challenge.
I am going…Nowhere, at the moment. This morning I went to the Shuswap Quilt Guild meeting and learned about rectangle blocks (the kind that look like the top of a Kleenex box ) and then to the doctor. That’s enough “going” for today.
I am wondering…how my son is settling into his new job/house/lifestyle in Vancouver.
I am reading… two books at the same time. Both by Elizabeth Berg. Say When and Tapestry of Fortunes. (obviously I like Elizabeth Berg, lol!)
I am hoping…that my plantar fasciitis heals up soon so I can get out on the trails!
I am looking forward to…the end of April because I am tired of having to come up with a blog post every single day! It’s been fun but I’m ready for the challenge to be over.
I am learning…how to use a twin needle and also how to sew a nice looking hem on a stretch knit fabric. Wasn’t very successful on the hem, it looks very amateur…. any tips, anyone?
Around the house…dust bunnies to sweep. kitty and doggy footprints to mop, a rug to vacuum, a bathroom to polish.
I am pondering…the differences between the verbs to ponder and to think. And why are both in this list anyway? Aren’t they the same thing?
A favorite quote for today… sadly, it’s the same quote as last time. Because it’s good! (you’re welcome).
“If we walk far enough,” says Dorothy, “we shall sometime come to someplace.”
― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
“If we walk far enough,” says Dorothy, “we shall sometime come to someplace.”
― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
One of my favorite things…cold left over pizza and tea, earl grey, hot – for breakfast! Served with a good book in a corner of the couch and don’t talk to me until I’m done!
A few plans for the rest of the week…I’d like to cut out some pieces for a new quilt and start stitching a couple of bookmarks. And spend an hour or so on the next chapter(s) of the novel.
A peek into my day…kind of a ho-hum day today.

Enjoyed a peek into your day!
Lovely that you sew! I wish I could sew with confidence. I do needlework quite happily though.
I enjoyed your post, and would love to taste your apple pies!
I like that S! I don’t believe thinking and pondering ARE the same. Thinking, to me, implies anything from vagrant ideas (yes, I did mean vagrant, LOL, as in without a settled home) that wander through my mind to something important. Pondering, though is different. It’s deeper. It’s when my mind grabs on to one idea and really explores what it means to me. So I might *think* about the weather, but I’m going to *ponder* my scripture study for the day. Your dog is thinking, “I wish someone would come by and scratch between my ears.” Your cat is pondering the best way to annoy someone, perhaps the dog. =)