I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I grew up, but when M was very small, he knew exactly what he was going to do.
He was going to be a cowboy.
But not just any cowboy…
My imagination-filled son was going to be the cowboy at Sea Land.
You know the one…
The cool dude who rides the dolphins.
Which segues very nicely into today’s yoga pose:
Dolphin Plank
Dolphin Plank is plank on your elbows. If you have wrist pain, Dolphin Plank is the one for you. It’s a great workout for your entire body.
It’s also a great measuring stick for how much stronger you’re getting!
If you can’t hold yourself up on your toes, it is absolutely 100% okay to put your knees down. You can do it! Yes, you can! š
That pose is a whole lot like one of my pregnancy poses when I was practicing for natural childbirth. =) The pictures of your cowboy are adorable! So what’s his dream now?