Mending…and Janusirasana for the Letter J


Today’s letter is a very short one. Also kind of boring, actually. Sorry.

Here goes: the other day Mr. C asked me to mend his jeans.


I knew that my little Janome 2030 wouldn’t have enough jam to sew over the heavy denim seams that the repair required, so I pulled out my antique Singer hand crank machine.


This baby will sew through anything! And in half the time that fussing with the electric variety would have taken! Who would have thought doing the mending could be so much fun?



See me turning the handle? 🙂

And finally, in keeping with the A-Z Blogging Challenge, I present to you the only yoga pose I was able to find that begins with the letter J:


Janu Sirsana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)

This is a pose that you see in all types of athletic activities, from runners to dancers. And yogis, of course. 🙂

Support the bent knee with a pillow if needed. Lean forward over the straight leg, any amount.


  1. That pose is not happening here. LOL I love your hand crank – might have said that before. It’s even prettier than mine. Very nice of you to mend. I try to avoid it but, of course, one does things for those one loves. Even windows, if required.

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