The Mother who Saved the Mothers from the Black Bear

Dear Vi,

Today I’m going to share a very sweet little story that I wrote it for my mother on Mother’s Day, 1971, misspellings and grammatical errors included. I hope your laughter is full of delight. Mine was!

One day Jane was in school sitting in her desk waiting egrley for the surprise Mis Cod had promesed them the day before. So now Jane and the rest of the clas were waiting for Mis Cod to tell them.

Finally Mrs. Cod came into the room. As usual Mis Cod had them sing good morning. After they had finished singing good morning, Mis Cod told them the surprise. Now was the time Jane had been waiting for.

Now Mis Cod began, “now Sunday is mothers Day so we are going to have a mothers day play. It will be called, Mother I Love You. It will be a story on mothers. Now Bob you will be the bear. Sue you will be one of the mothers. Sally, Misty, Karen, and Colleen will be mothers and Jane will be the mother who saves the mothers and their babies from the black bear.  Bob, Joe, Jim and Mike and Terri (a boy), will be the animals who lead Jane to the mothers.

[next week: play begins]

Jane was surprised when she did her lines right.  Now the play was over. Everyone was talking at once. After everyone quited down, Janes mother said “O, what a wonderful mothers day,” she said, almost crying.

The End

By Nita Luton, age 9

grade 4 pointer


  1. Very happy to see my old schoolmate doing well and enjoying life. Great classroom pic from James Sales! I rcgnize everyone in that pic including Mark Strickland and myself on each side of you. Cheers to you Juanita!

  2. How great that you still have it. Mothers are the best about saving things, aren’t they? And a picture, too! Thank you for sharing your story – a budding writer then.

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