Dear Vi,
This morning, the radio reported that it was overcast in Dawson City when in reality the sky was blue, blue, blue with not a cloud in sight. Our weather reports come from Kelowna, BC, over a thousand miles south.
And this morning we had the news feed coming in from Yellowknife, about 1,000 miles to the East.
Serious distances.
So how would they know the weather was completely wrong , way over here? Heh heh heh.
Well, such a beautiful day requires pictures of flowers, don’t you agree?
My neighbour brought me a bouquet from her lovely flower garden:
And I even have a few pots growing beside our travel trailer home.
One of the things I’ve always loved about Dawson City is the flowers.
Along fences and other creative places…
Summer is short in the Yukon.
The first leaves come out in mid May and they start to change in late July.
Mother Nature has a lot to do and not much time to get it done.When you live in a landscape where you’re always dealing with winter or preparing for winter, colour is very important.
Dawson City used to be known for its beautiful vegetables. I remember walking the side streets and alleys, gasping in admiration of the back yard gardens, the giant cabbages and lush trellised peas.
But times and priorities change, along with the population.
The old timers are mostly gone, and the new people moving in aren’t here for the long haul, and so don’t garden. That’s my guess, anyway.
But thank goodness the flowers remain as bright and plentiful as always.
The flowers are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing their beauty with us!
How beautiful they all are, weed and cultivated both. Thanks for sharing.