Dear Vi,
Dawson City sits at the place where the Klondike and Yukon Rivers merge.
The Klondike River is on the left, the much larger Yukon River on the right
In many ways, the town itself mirrors this merging. The rivers flow side-by-side for a ways, the line between the muddy Yukon and the (slightly) clearer Klondike easy to discern.
And the city flows side-by-side, too. Old and new holding hands the way you did with your best friend back in kindergarten.
Yes, Dawson City is a historic gold rush town, fun to visit.
The community library is located within Robert Service School. How cool is that?
But it’s also a town where people live and work and raise their kids. Old and new are side by side everywhere you look.
This is where I buy my groceries:
And the liquor store (in the old harness shop!):
My favourite restaurant:
The local community radio station (with proud show hosts):
The Gold Rush, past and present, all coming together where the rivers meet.
And the First Nations…don’t assume I’ve forgotten them. Their story is the oldest of all. But I’ll save that for another time, another letter.
Fabulous post. I can’t decide. Are those streets paved or dirt? I didn’t see curbs much. I think it would be a lovely place to bring up a family.
Breathtaking! We summer in the woods, 8 miles outside a city of 180 residents. I’ve come to this area since I was 3. Almost 60 years. Watching the old landmarks die is bittersweet.
Loved your pictures and descriptions. Wish I could be there!
You have a wonderful way with words.