Dear Vi,You might have heard that the streets of Dawson City are paved with gold,
but the truth is, they aren’t paved at all.
Here’s evidence: boot brushes outside the door of every establishment.
And miles of boardwalk.
This summer has been a writing retreat for me. I left home with a sketchy idea for my next novel, and today I’m well over halfway there.
I’m writing about 1,000 words every time I sit down, which has been about 5 days per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
When I’m not writing, I’m reading All The Books, which is so incredibly delicious – a summer of unlimited time.
And I’ve been accompanying Sam on his walks, of course.
We love to walk up and down the streets, the boardwalk sometimes booming under our feet, sometimes squeaking , often soft with age.
I brought quilting projects and everything I need to sew a blouse, but haven’t taken my sewing machine out even once.
And that’s just fine. It’s okay to stop once in awhile to wade in the water and smell the grass.
Don’t you agree?
Love the boardwalk. You could be walking down the street 100 years ago, well maybe it was mud that far back, lol. Love the tour, thank you.
I love the pics and I love that you’re writing!! Jealous you get a retreat. Did you find your sandals?
Breathtaking beauty. And so clean! No trash in sight.
Dawson City was one of our favorite stops on our one and only trip that far north, how nice it must be to spend lots of time there! Truly a lovely place! I remember you talking about your first book, but don’t recall seeing how to get a copy of it. Is it available anywhere? Peggy (former blogger)
What a gloriously quirky town. It looks like a film set. Good luck with the writing. Hope you are well.xx
Wow, Dawson is really just a village, isn’t it? I love the contrast of falling down wooden buildings, and then a garden of color. Cute sandals, by the way.