If you’ve been reading my casbah notes, you’ll have noticed right away that this was a really fun show. Everything about it was fun. Including this dance. And there is a story behind this dance (of course!). As you may know, I have quite an extensive DVD library. I often buy a DVD and then… Continue reading Rockin the Casbah Notes: Raqs Bedaya
Author: Nita
Rockin’ the Casbah Note: Old MacDonald!
One Monday night in early Fall 2009, I walked into the Porter Creek Secondary School bandroom for Big Band practice and Rebekah had a cd playing. Frank Sinatra, ol’ Blue Eyes. I just love Frank! Anyway, here comes a tune I hadn’t heard before…Frank Sinatra singing his version of Old MacDonald had a Farm. Do you believe… Continue reading Rockin’ the Casbah Note: Old MacDonald!
Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: At Last
With every show I produce, I set myself a personal challenge. In Eshta it was to perform with the sword. In Under a Cairo Moon it was to choreograph a full original Raqs Sharqi. With this show, it was the piece “At Last.” This piece came hard to me, and it came as a challenge… Continue reading Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: At Last
Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloists/Coreen
Coreen started her bellydance life as a gym rat who wanted a new ab workout (her words, lol!)So (several years ago) she and a friend signed up for their first dance classes as brand new beginners. They thought it would be fun…a bit of a lark. I remember the two of them in those early days!… Continue reading Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloists/Coreen
Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloist/Nat
Nat did a fabulously fun dance to a fabulously fun piece of music called “Chicky”. I was so excited for Nat because she was so excited (her excitement is contagious! Stay away if you don’t want to catch it!) She also bought her first “real” (her words) costume for this piece. A gorgeous bedlah (bra/belt set). Nat’s… Continue reading Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloist/Nat
Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloists/Amber
Amber was in position number three in the line up. First the Big Band did a feature piece: “Land of Make Believe”, followed by Andrameda’s metal fusion with sword, and then a Sharqi number by Amber. What a perfect and perfectly eclectic trio to open the show with! Amber came to us about 3 years ago… Continue reading Rockin’ the Casbah Notes: Soloists/Amber