Dear Vi, We’ve been back in Dawson City for just over a week, and I’ll tell ya, it feels good. This morning as I was walking Samson on the trail beside the highway, his inspection of a clump of grass was interrupted by the sound of an ATV approaching from behind. We stepped to the… Continue reading Back in Dawson City
Author: Nita
Book Review: The Overdue Life of Amy Byler, by Kelly Harms
Dear Vi, Summer reading season is upon us and I am all about the lighthearted, happy books right now. Why? Because lately I’m finding all the unkindness in the world is wearing me down. Angst and anger shouts at me every time I look at social media, and sometimes it’s hard to get it out… Continue reading Book Review: The Overdue Life of Amy Byler, by Kelly Harms
Good Bye, Dawson City (until next year)
Dear Vi, Our Yukon summer sojourn is over. We drove away from Dawson City two days ago. Tomorrow will see the Yukon behind us for another winter. I took a lot of walks, saw two parades, read a lot of books, made my 60,000 word goal on the next novel, made some new friends, and… Continue reading Good Bye, Dawson City (until next year)
The Streets of Dawson City
Dear Vi,You might have heard that the streets of Dawson City are paved with gold,but the truth is, they aren’t paved at all.Here’s evidence: boot brushes outside the door of every establishment.And miles of boardwalk.This summer has been a writing retreat for me. I left home with a sketchy idea for my next novel, and… Continue reading The Streets of Dawson City
Dawson City, Yukon: old and new, side-by-side
Dear Vi, Dawson City sits at the place where the Klondike and Yukon Rivers merge. The Klondike River is on the left, the much larger Yukon River on the right In many ways, the town itself mirrors this merging. The rivers flow side-by-side for a ways, the line between the muddy Yukon and the (slightly)… Continue reading Dawson City, Yukon: old and new, side-by-side
Dawson Blooms
Dear Vi, This morning, the radio reported that it was overcast in Dawson City when in reality the sky was blue, blue, blue with not a cloud in sight. Our weather reports come from Kelowna, BC, over a thousand miles south. And this morning we had the news feed coming in from Yellowknife, about 1,000… Continue reading Dawson Blooms