Dear Vi, Last Friday Sam and walked a well-worn trail along the side of the Yukon River in Dawson City.The city was preparing for the annual Dawson City Music Festival. Facing the river, we could hear the echo of a band bouncing back at us from the opposite shore.. It sounded as though the very… Continue reading Languishing Along the River in Dawson City, Yukon
Author: Nita
Bye, Sam! Leaving the dog at home
Dear Vi, Every time we leave the house, we have a conversation with Sam first. Sam sees us getting ready and starts his little happy dance. Sam: oh boy oh boy oh boy, we’re going somewhere! Us: Oh, Sam. Mommy and daddy are going to work and you have to stay here. (“Work” means going… Continue reading Bye, Sam! Leaving the dog at home
Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces
Dear Vi, I hate to be a complainer, but I just have to tell you: Too much hand quilting, knitting, typing, and gripping heavy weights at the gym have given me tennis elbow in both arms and caused the arthritis in my hands to flare up. It’s my own fault. I let it go too… Continue reading Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces
Dear Vi, It’s foggy this morning. Outside my window, wisps of fog stream past like smoke from a chimney. Wait… maybe it really is smoke. I get up to check. Nope, it’s fog. Relieved, I take another sip of coffee. And then I burst into tears. A couple of months ago, I woke up in… Continue reading Fire!
Letters to Vi
Dear Vi, Blogging has always felt a little bit awkward to me. From the beginning, I’ve wanted to address each post as though it were a letter. But it always felt awkward. A letter to whom? And yet it feels just as strange to open a new page and simply start talking. I’m old-school that… Continue reading Letters to Vi
Finally, a quilt for the cabin: Garden Party by Blackbird Designs
I finished this quilt just in time to give it a good test drive during a short camping trip to Jasper National Park last It’s so much fun having a quilt to photograph when you’re camping! This particular project was a “Shop your Stash” challenge quilt hosted by the Good Time Quilters, one of the… Continue reading Finally, a quilt for the cabin: Garden Party by Blackbird Designs