After I graduated from high school, and after all the cap-throwing and after-grad partying was finished (about 3 days later), my parents decided that I needed a summer job. After all, I’d be heading off to university in the fall; it wasn’t unreasonable to expect me to make a financial contribution. I had a student… Continue reading The Worst Job I Ever Had was Pulling the Heads off Dead Chickens
Author: Nita
To Write or Not to Write (…what was the question?)
Both Elizabeth Berg (Escaping into the Open) and Carolyn See (Making a Literary Life) advise against telling people that you are writing a book. Why? Because then people will, of course, want to know what it’s about. It goes like this: You: So, what do you do? Me: Oh, nothing much – this and that… Continue reading To Write or Not to Write (…what was the question?)
Trifle Dish Quilt
You must have guessed that I did some quilting during my recent 2 months visit in the Yukon, right? Well, of course I did…and I took some pictures, too. Enjoy! I know what food will taste like when I get to heaven…it will taste like Dee’s trifle. So when the Moda Trifle Dish sew-along happened,… Continue reading Trifle Dish Quilt
Cabin Living: missing the solar shower
We’re home! What was the first thing we did when we got home yesterday? We turned on the hot water tank so that we could have a luxurious soak. Actually, it’s stinking hot here, so what we really wanted was a luxurious cold soak just to cool down! But you do still need a little… Continue reading Cabin Living: missing the solar shower
Company (or whatever you do, don’t get locked in the outhouse)
The deck spilled over with people, an impromptu gathering of friends old and new for a picnic. Some that were invited hadn’t been able to make it. Others brought friends to introduce to us. Everybody came with food…burgers, salmon, a dozen salads, fruit, desserts. The children played in the lake and the dogs ranged between… Continue reading Company (or whatever you do, don’t get locked in the outhouse)
Tyler’s Quilt: Indomitable Spirit
Warning – this post has lots of pictures! I have a quilt finish to show off today! This is the quilt I recently made for my second-youngest nephew, Tyler. A quilt is never finished until it has had its official photo shoot, and this quilt had two photography sessions! First, we took it on a… Continue reading Tyler’s Quilt: Indomitable Spirit