Now one autumn morning when the wind had blown all the leaves off the trees in the night, and was trying to blow the branches off, Pooh and Piglet were sitting in the Thoughtful Spot and wondering. “What I think,” said Pooh, “is I think we’ll go to Pooh Corner and see Eeyore, because perhaps his… Continue reading The letter T is brought to you by Winnie the Pooh, because Today is Thursday, and isn’t it amazing that the letter T should fall on a Thursday?
Author: Nita
S: the Simple Woman’s Daybook, April edition
Today for the letter S I am taking part in The Simple Woman’s Daybook. I haven’t done it for awhile. Today seems like a good day for it. Check out the link to see what other women are up to today. And if you’re a blogger, join in! Outside my window… The sky and the… Continue reading S: the Simple Woman’s Daybook, April edition
the Letter P: The Partridge Family still makes my little hippy heart go pitter patter
I was nine years old when the show first aired in 1970 and 13 years old at the final episode in 1974. Talk about the formative years! Did you know that The Partridge Family show was actually based on the real live Cowsills family, who were one of the most musically gifted American Families to… Continue reading the Letter P: The Partridge Family still makes my little hippy heart go pitter patter
The Joyful letter J
Wishing you a joyful Saturday. I hope you spend today doing something that makes you happy. This morning Mr C and I are enjoying a good visit with old friends…good coffee and good conversation, lots of laughter. Later we’ll be celebrating our son’s birthday with my sisters & brothers-in-law. Good food, good conversation. Laughter… Continue reading The Joyful letter J
G is for Grammar. No joke!
I have to admit, I’m flying by the seat of my pants with this A-Z in April challenge. No master plan. No theme. No pre-planned posts. But since I’m learning to be a writer, I thought grammar would be a good G word to play with today. Q: what is grammar? A: the difference between… Continue reading G is for Grammar. No joke!
C is for the Casino Opera Choreography
I’m participating in the Blogging From A-Z challenge. One blog post for each letter of the alphabet, each day of April (except Sunday). C is for the Casino Opera Choreography! The inspiration for this particular choreography was Badia Masabni, the founder of modern Egyptian dance as we know it today, and her famous nightclub, called… Continue reading C is for the Casino Opera Choreography