“At that time of night, the only traffic consisted of trucks filled with bodies and detainees, and police cars that roamed the streets like lost wolves howling in the darkness of the curfew.”

That sentence was written by Isabel Allende, and can be found at the bottom of page 442 in her 1985 novel, The House of the Spirits. I honestly think this may be one of the most perfect sentences ever written. You don’t need to know what the book is about to feel the fear and… Continue reading “At that time of night, the only traffic consisted of trucks filled with bodies and detainees, and police cars that roamed the streets like lost wolves howling in the darkness of the curfew.”

Every Good Cowboy Needs a Dolphin

I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I grew up, but when M was very small, he knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to be a cowboy. But not just any cowboy… Nope! My imagination-filled son was going to be the cowboy at Sea Land. You know the… Continue reading Every Good Cowboy Needs a Dolphin