Knitting and writing a Novel are more alike than you think!

Did I tell you that I finished my novel again? This isn’t the first time I’ve finished it, of course. The first finished draft was the equivalent of a scarf knitted up in open lace-work. Silky threads to hold everything together, but full of holes. When it was as ready as I could get it,… Continue reading Knitting and writing a Novel are more alike than you think!

Knitting till the words come home

Sometimes writing a novel feels an awful lot like waiting. And what does any sane person do while waiting? Sigh. I know. It’s the words. I’m waiting for the words. Meanwhile, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting.  

The Heebie Jeebies

It had been a dark and stormy afternoon, so after supper Sam and I decided to get out for a walk before it got too dark.  Or at least before it started to rain again. It was kinda spooky, to tell you the truth… The light had an eerie copper post-storm tinge to it and… Continue reading The Heebie Jeebies

Finally, a quilt for the cabin: Garden Party by Blackbird Designs

Columbia Ice Fields, Jasper National Park

I finished this quilt just in time to give it a good test drive during a short camping trip to Jasper National Park last It’s so much fun having a quilt to photograph when you’re camping! This particular project was a “Shop your Stash” challenge quilt hosted by the Good Time Quilters, one of the… Continue reading Finally, a quilt for the cabin: Garden Party by Blackbird Designs

A spring-time disappearing 9-patch

I wanted to make a quilt for my aunt, who has always been a very special person in my life. But time passes and things don’t get done and you know how it goes. (sigh) So one day last spring I was sorting my sewing room and I came upon an unfinished quilt top. It’s… Continue reading A spring-time disappearing 9-patch