Green…and the Garland pose

Hello! I’m late with my letter today – did you think I forgot you? Spring is here in my area of the world. No doubt about it. The car is covered in pollen and I am stuffed up with hay fever. Today I knelt on the grass to take a couple of pictures (in bare… Continue reading Green…and the Garland pose

Fat people do yoga, too

The nicest people will say the most extraordinary things without even thinking about it. Like one time a friend was describing someone she wanted me to meet. I was told how well educated she was, how varied her interests were, how well she dressed. And then there was an awkward pause. “But she’s, well…you know…(insert… Continue reading Fat people do yoga, too

Happiness is Easy: visiting my yarn stash…and Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sometimes happiness comes to you in small unexpected ways. Like today. Somehow, without intending to, I played with my yarn stash today. It made me happy. I was looking for something (isn’t that always the way?)…and before I knew it, I had pulled everything out. I found some beautiful yarn I had forgotten all about!… Continue reading Happiness is Easy: visiting my yarn stash…and Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Every Good Cowboy Needs a Dolphin

I don’t remember what I wanted to be when I grew up, but when M was very small, he knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to be a cowboy. But not just any cowboy… Nope! My imagination-filled son was going to be the cowboy at Sea Land. You know the… Continue reading Every Good Cowboy Needs a Dolphin

Eat Cake and then do the Bridge Pose!

I’ve made two birthday cakes from scratch in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I’d tell you about them today. Because who doesn’t like cake? (I don’t see any hands raised…Everybody loves cake!) I can make a cake from scratch, no problem – it’s the decorating that gets me. Just call me the… Continue reading Eat Cake and then do the Bridge Pose!