Taking a Break from Packing

I’m taking this week off work to do the final packing and cleaning of the house so that the boxes can go straight into the U-Haul next Saturday. Today I took apart the bed and did some cleaning. My other job this week is to get us moved out to the cabin at Fox Lake,… Continue reading Taking a Break from Packing


I stood on my deck this morning watching the leaves fall into the yard. Not a breath of wind. Absolutely quiet and still. The only movement the flutter of a leaf as it fell. The only sound a soft whisker. One by one. Summer is ended. Autumn is here in all her glory.

Promoting Marital Happiness: tip #1

Do not, under any circumstances, leave the garden hose in a tangled, knotted up mess for your spouse to discover and fix for you. I almost did that today. Almost! But (phew!) I didn’t. I thought about it, but then I had a second thought. My second thought that this would not result in marital happiness. But you know,… Continue reading Promoting Marital Happiness: tip #1

Autumn is Whispering

It seems that summer has only just arrived in Whitehorse, but Autumn is already whispering to us: “…here I come: in the newly dark night, in the sun warm on your back and the wind crisp in your face, in the last of the blooming roses, the sweetness of raspberries and the first turning of gold,… Continue reading Autumn is Whispering