Bookmarks the Spot

My goodness, this has been a busy week. Since I committed to attempting to write 50,000 words as part of nanowrimo, my time has been completely taken up. I am a slow, slow writer. Sometimes it takes me all day long to reach my daily goal of 1650 words, the amount I will need to… Continue reading Bookmarks the Spot

Getting ready for NaNoWriMo

Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? The goal of National Novel Writing Month is to write a novel (or 50,000 words of a novel) during the month of November. That’s about 1800 words each day. When I retired at the end of last November, one of the things I looked forward to doing was to spend… Continue reading Getting ready for NaNoWriMo

On knowledge, wisdom and a good bullshit detector {Just Write 8}

Good Sunday morning! I am sitting here by my kitchen window, coffee at my elbow and browsing my morning blog posts.  The washing machine and the dryer are both on and I can barely hear the radio over the noise. Not that I’m paying attention, but I enjoy Michael Enright’s Sunday Edition, and CBC is… Continue reading On knowledge, wisdom and a good bullshit detector {Just Write 8}